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jerome bettis boys girls clubs of southeastern michigan 3c sports conference the industry cosign big ced

Jerome Bettis and Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan Announce Official Speaker Lineup for 3C Sports Conference

The inspiring event to feature legendary speakers from across the country in the sports including Barry Sanders, Jemele Hill, Calvin Johnson Jr. Eddie George, Adam Schefter and more. DETROIT – APRIL 22, 2024 – The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan (BGCSM) and Jerome Bettis “Bus Stops Here Foundation” announces the roster of speakers to […]

Jerome Bettis and Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan Announce Official Speaker Lineup for 3C Sports Conference Read More »

3c conference ig2

Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan Introduces Inaugural Youth Sports Conference Featuring NFL Icons Jerome Bettis, Adam Schefter, Cynthia Frelund, and Eddie George during NFL Draft Week

The conference takes place April 24th – 26th. Tickets are on sale now for VIP reception and Conference tickets are available by request starting March 27th DETROIT (March 27, 2024) – NFL legend Jerome Bettis, known as the “Bus,” joins forces with Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan (BGCSM) to unveil the BGCSM 3C

Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan Introduces Inaugural Youth Sports Conference Featuring NFL Icons Jerome Bettis, Adam Schefter, Cynthia Frelund, and Eddie George during NFL Draft Week Read More »


Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan Announces Its Return To Van Buren Township

Programs will serve 2,000 youth annually through the Boys & Girls Clubs Tigers youth sports program, behavioral health services and paid workforce training in fashion, AI and more [BELLEVILLE, MI] – March 8, 2024 – The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan (BGCSM) in partnership with Van Buren Public School District and Van Buren

Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan Announces Its Return To Van Buren Township Read More »

bgcsm x redwings esports ribbon cutting

Detroit Red Wings Foundation and The Children’s Foundation Score Another Goal With New Esports Lounge Unveiled At Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan’s Eastpointe Club

BGCSM’s Eastpointe Club is home to the fourth and final esports lounge which is part of the commitment to investing $300,000 for Esports Lounges and programming at four metro Detroit Boys & Girls Clubs locations.  DETROIT – February 28, 2024 – The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan (BGCSM) unveiled the latest Esports &

Detroit Red Wings Foundation and The Children’s Foundation Score Another Goal With New Esports Lounge Unveiled At Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan’s Eastpointe Club Read More »

maison black and bgcsm's industry club fashion week trip

Cohort of Youth Fashion Designers from Detroit to Showcase Afrofuturism Inspired Looks at New York Fashion Week February 2024, Alongside Fashion Industry Mentors

This year’s theme, AfroFuturism celebrates creativity, innovation and greater impact on fashion while inspiring the next generation of Black designers NEW YORK, NY – January 24, 2024 –The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan (BGCSM) Fashion Industry Club has partnered once again with the Maison Black and will host a runway show at New

Cohort of Youth Fashion Designers from Detroit to Showcase Afrofuturism Inspired Looks at New York Fashion Week February 2024, Alongside Fashion Industry Mentors Read More »

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